Reigniting interest in printmaking across Wales, Swansea Print Workshop’s Mini Print Cymru project has been running an impressive programme of workshops, with the aim of developing the skills and expertise of emerging printmakers, and re-engaging with more established printmakers after the impact of Covid on the Arts. In September, the project will provide an opportunity for these artists to showcase their work alongside the work of professional practitioners at a Mission Gallery exhibition.
Developed through the fine art printmaking facility in Swansea’s city centre, and supported by the Arts Council of Wales and the Brecknock Trust, the project has introduced printmaking as an accessible artform to new and targeted audiences in the community, and has encouraged a greater diversity of participants to become regular users of the Workshop.
The project lead artists, Andrew Baldwin, Flora MacLachlan, Mark Pavey, Judith Stroud and Vinita Voogd were selected for their high level of technical expertise and their ability to teach. Each explored techniques such as etching, relief printing and letterpress in workshops with participants of all levels in a variety of settings.
The project vision: to share this versatile medium, and to nurture the skills and expertise of young people. The project method: Participants were introduced to new processes and methods of working, and created small-scale artwork uniform in size. The creation of mini prints, contained within a square area of 10cm x 10cm on a paper size measuring 18cm x 18cm challenged everyone to think differently about working in miniature.
Existing members of Swansea Print Workshop took the opportunity to work with the appointed artists to develop their skills and confidence, and to create a visual response in a format that stretched and challenged their usual practice.
“More than ever before, new levels of sophistication are being achieved through experimental printmaking by a greater number of artists who understand the value printmaking media can bring to their creativity.
Click here to read more from the Mission Gallery about Mini Print Wales and the exhibition

It is hugely important to us to nurture Wales-based artists, to give them opportunities to develop their skills and to share their expertise with emerging practitioners. Knowledge transfer through creative projects raises the aspirations of participants and the confidence of workshop leaders. It generates interest in the creative field, which leads to volunteering opportunities and employment.” Sarah Hopkins, Director, Swansea Print Workshop.
*Swansea Print Workshop is a not-for-profit organisation with an established network of highly experienced artists and printmakers. The Workshop provides a host of services for printmakers at the beginning of their creative careers, and offers support for developing and professional artists. For more information visit us as